Walking for Body Mind Health - quick tips - KW Coaching
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Walking for Body Mind Health – quick tips

Walking for Body Mind Health – quick tips

Tips for healthy Walking – although any walking is better than none!

  1. Add a bounce to your step. Walking upright and swinging the arms makes the body and mind connect to positivity rather than slouching and shuffling.
  2. Walk to Work. Fit walking into your daily life – and arrive at work feeling alive.
  3. Choose a green setting. (Or beach) Nature is so much more therapeutic than traffic (noise) and buildings (blocking visual expansion) and fumes (choking  and smelly) and tarmac (hard under the feet).
  4. Be mindful. Being present reduces stress and anxiety. Use the senses and look up.
  5. Leave your phone at home. No-brainer unless you’re walking on a treadmill. Be attentive to what’s going on around you.
  6. Walk fast sometimes. Breathe more deeply. Get the circulation going.
  7. Take your dog along. Make both of you happier – and safer. And faster!
  8. Walk with a friend and allow for some silence between chatting.

See here https://www.rd.com/health/wellness/benefits-of-walking-mood/

And of course, if you need a coach, we’ll Walk and Talk! http://www.kwcoaching.co.za/walk-your-talk/




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