What happens in a typical coaching session?
In the free ‘chemistry’ session we will discuss the package and platform most suitable for you
(Walk and Talk, face to face, and/or Skype).
Typical session Protocol – 45 -60 mins: (Walk your Talk will take 15 -30 minutes longer)
Check in
Assess your mood, physical and mental states to become present. We may engage in a short mindfulness exercise if you’re feeling overwhelmed or flustered.
Integrity Scores
Integrity scores for yourself regarding previous weeks tasks – to be accountable (no judgment)
To become empty and ready for more
Specific measurable goal(s) for current session – to gain clarity
Coaching content – to create new possibilities – this is the MAGIC
Assignments – to commit and support you
Closure - to celebrate
Some Inspirations and tools introduced in sessions (handouts available)
The power of your word and commitments
The importance of integrity with reaching desired goals
Power to Act – “Just Do It”
From Victim to Victor – reaction to creation
Is-ness is the business – getting out of stories and to the point
Consciousness Inventory – what is taking up space in your head?
Context – the content doesn’t change but your relationship towards it does
The Art of Completion – with tools
The dreaded Comfort Zone
Vision, Mission and Legacy