Job satisfaction, qualifications, study choices, salary
Cash management, realistic expenses, budgeting, scarcity mentality
Regular physical activity, sleeping patterns, eating habits, regular check ups
Parents, children, in-laws, extended family, friends at work, close friends
Relationship partner(s), past baggage
Spiritual development, meditation, communication skills, setting boundaries
Hobbies, time for fun, holidays, quiet time
State of repair, suitability, aesthetics, garden, pets
The first step is to assess the amount of satisfaction you’re currently feeling for each area now. Consider each dimension in turn, and on a scale of 0 (dissatisfied) – to 10 (fully satisfied), mark each score on the appropriate spoke of your Life Wheel. Join up the marks around the circle with a coloured pen. Does your life wheel look and feel balanced? Or like a crazy spiders web?
Next consider your ideal level in each area of your life. A balanced life does not mean getting 10 in each life area: some areas need more attention and focus than others at any time. And inevitably you will need to make choices and compromises, as your time and energy are not in unlimited supply. (For example, income could be a 9, while childrens’ time could be 2. You may then need to work part-time to spend more time with your children.)
So the question is, what would the ideal level of satisfaction be for you in each life area? Plot the “ideal” scores around your life wheel too, in a different colour. To be realistic,plot for 3 months time and again for a year.
Now you have a visual representation of your current life balance and your ideal life balance. What are the gaps? These are the areas of your life that need attention.
And remember that gaps can go both ways. There are almost certainly areas that are not getting as much attention as you’d like. However there may also be areas where you’re putting in more effort than you’d ideally like. These areas are sapping energy and enthusiasm that may better be directed elsewhere.
Once you have identified the areas that need attention, it’s time to plan the actions needed to work on regaining balance. Starting with the neglected areas, what things do you need to start doing to regain balance? In the areas that currently sap your energy and time, what can you stop doing or re-prioritize or delegate to someone else?
It is useful to repeat this exercise once or twice a year.
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